Volunteer Opportunities
The Fishmarket offers several types of volunteer opportunities:
1. Ten-week Gallery Internship Programme 2. Curatorial and Events Team Volunteer 3. Casual Volunteer Get involved and help make the Fishmarket bigger and better! 1. Ten-week Gallery Internship Programme For people who want to start out their careers working in the arts or who would like to build upon their existing experience, or simply would like to find out more about how galleries work and to contribute to helping the Fishmarket work! The Internship provides valuable experience that not only looks good on your CV but gives you hands-on knowledge of working with artists, curators and the everyday life of a contemporary art gallery. The ten-week programme consists of invigilation, de-installation, working with artists to help them realise new works, dealing with the public, being part of the team behind events and more. You will receive training at museum standard and talks from the Curator, General Manager, Coordinator on the different aspects of working in the gallery. You will receive a certificate of completion and reference. See Internship pack for additional details. Download it here, visit or contact the Fishmarket office for a pack on . Gallery Internship Programme pack There is a simple application form to fill in and a person specification included in the pack, please send it completed to: Laura Hogan, Gallery Internship Programme Fishmarket, Bradshaw Street, Northampton NN1 2HL-
The deadline for the winter internship is Saturday 12 November, 6pm
2. Curatorial and Events Team Volunteer For people who have some experience of working in the arts, to help the curator with research and administration of exhibitions and events as well as assisting developing future programmes. These are on an ad hoc basis. To apply send a CV and covering letter to: Laura Hogan Curatorial and Events Team Volunteer, Fishmarket Fishmarket, Bradshaw Street, Northampton NN1 2HL 3. Casual Volunteer For people who would like to help the Fishmarket but do not have the time commitment for the ten-week programme, or where the Fishmarket needs more pairs of hands to make more ambitious projects happen. Roles range from invigilation, events support, installation and more. To apply send a CV and covering letter to: Laura Hogan, Casual Volunteer Fishmarket, Bradshaw Street, Northampton NN1 2HL If you have any questions regarding any of the volunteer opportunities please contact the Fishmarket on and check out The Lost Flag blog, courtesy of art critic L. Grannell for an insight into behind the scenes at the gallery.?
The Local
Pop up gallery showing local art for local people! Unfortunately all slots for this year's Pop up gallery have now been filled. Watch this space for future opportunities to display your work and check out the information pack below for info on how to get your work exhibited. The Local information pack?
Arts Award Welcome
Our Arts Award Welcome is as follows aimed in particular at 14 - 19 year olds
- Keep an eye on our events pages for workshops that will be coming up. We contiunally hold workshops to run alongside our exhibitions - check our Events pages for details. If you would like to propose a workshop to run at the Fishmarket please get in touch with us via .
Hire the Fishmarket
The Fishmarket venue has hosted a wide range of events, for hire costs and further information please download and complete this form and return to the office. - Keep an eye on our events pages for workshops that will be coming up. We contiunally hold workshops to run alongside our exhibitions - check our Events pages for details. If you would like to propose a workshop to run at the Fishmarket please get in touch with us via .